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Building & Property Maintenance Cornwall Ltd


BPM CORNWALL LTD Safeguarding Policy.  Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults

1. Contents


2.  Scope of the Policy                                                                   

3.  Policy Statement, BPM CORNWALL LTD Vision & Values               

4.  Governance                                                                           

5.  Roles and Responsibilities                                                          

6.  Implementation                                                             

7.  Training Requirements                                                             


8. Prevent Agenda                                                             

9.  Communication                                                            

10.  Equality and Diversity                                                   

11.  Review                  

12.  Appendices                                                                   

Keeping children, young people and vulnerable adults safe is everyone’s responsibility.

BPM CORNWALL LTD agree to work to the following principles

(as outlined in the Department of Health publication “No Secrets”)

Everyone has the right to live his or her life free from violence, fear and abuse.

Everyone has the right to be protected from harm and exploitation.

Everyone has the right to independence, which carries with it a degree of risk.

Scope of the Policy

BPM CORNWALL LTD is committed to helping keep children, young people and vulnerable adults stay safe. This policy aims to ensure that every employee recognises their responsibility to safeguarding is able to recognise a potential safeguarding issue and knows how to respond appropriately. This document sets out the duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults with whom BPM CORNWALL LTD works and/or comes into contact with; and how this will be implemented.

Policy Statement

This policy applies to all BPM CORNWALL LTD staff, senior managers, directors, Board Members, volunteers and sub contracted partners.

BPM CORNWALL LTD has a broad remit including, but not limited to it’s property maintenance services, as well as providing any technical consultancy services - all of these sections of work are potential areas where a safeguarding issue could be raised. The Company seeks to strive for best practice in relation to safeguarding, and recognises the important role of safeguarding across all divisions and service areas. This can not be done in isolation and ongoing partnership working with the Council, immediate support services, the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board and Local Safeguarding Adults Board is key.


The vision of BPM CORNWALL LTD is to ‘deliver sustainable solutions safely’ - safeguarding and other key agendas run through the operational delivery of the company’s vision.


SAFE                   Ensuring we operate safely and consider environmental management practices, putting safety first at the heart of our activities.

DECISIVE           Making the right decision – to do the right thing in a transparent and timely manner.

PROGRESSIVE   Constantly moving forward at the right pace and right direction.

FAIR                   Building on our diversity and treating our staff, customers and partners fairly.

TRUST                Believing we will do the right thing for the business, our staff and the wider community.

BPM CORNWALL LTD is committed to ensuring that safeguarding is closely aligned to the strategic vision and values of the Company.


BPM CORNWALL LTD Safeguarding Board will be the responsible forum for ensuring this policy is implemented and measured. The Board is made up of members from each division of the Company and each having the responsibility for disseminating key messages back to their areas of responsibility. The Operations Director will sit on the Board and will act as the lead Director for this agenda.

BPM CORNWALL LTD is represented on the Alternative Service Delivery (ASD) Safeguarding Group, which is a mechanism for the ‘Cornwall family’ of externally trading companies to meet. The group meet to share issues and good practice and to ensure that action is aligned to that of Cornwall Council. The Chair of the ASD Safeguarding Group also attends Cornwall Council’s Corporate Safeguarding Steering Group.

Roles and Responsibilities

BPM CORNWALL LTD Safeguarding Advocates Role

BPM CORNWALL LTD have a number of safeguarding advocates across all divisions with the following responsibilities;

Have a clear understanding of safeguarding issues regarding vulnerable adults and children.

Can respond appropriately and quickly to any concerns/allegations raised by staff in relation to safeguarding from across BPM CORNWALL LTD.

Encourage partnership working both internally and externally and make recommendations on improvements to the safeguarding agenda.

Assist in supporting the communication methods required to promote safeguarding across the Company.

Support and assist staff with any safeguarding concerns through the referral process where a referral is necessary. The advocate could also be required to make a referral on behalf of a member of staff.

The safeguarding advocates have a key role in supporting this agenda on the ground and are usually the first contact when a safeguarding concern is raised. Advocates are supported through the BPM CORNWALL LTD Safeguarding Group and play an active part in being involved in decisions around how to progress the agenda and flagging any issues and concerns.


Every effort will be made when subcontracting work to ensure that safeguarding practices are in place. Where contracts have been issued via a formal procurement process, safeguarding checks will be completed as part of that process. This may include ensuring sub contracted organisations have policies in place and have conducted the necessary checks against employees. All individuals working in the capacity of a sub contractor on behalf of BPM CORNWALL LTD will be required to complete the ‘BPM CORNWALL LTD Safeguarding Code of Conduct’ – see appendix 1 for further details.


BPM CORNWALL LTD have in place a safeguarding action plan (see appendix 2) which will be reviewed annually alongside this policy. The action plan outlines specific key areas to focus attention, ensuring consistent and robust practices are in place to support employees around this agenda, across all Divisions. Delivery of the action plan will raise the profile of the agenda and will seek to increase knowledge and understanding around types of abuse and how to deal with potential safeguarding issues. BPM CORNWALL LTD will contribute to the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board (LSCB) annual audit and the Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) audit. Any key recommendations from the feedback from these audits will help to shape the action plan going forward. BPM CORNWALL LTD are committed to operating in an open and transparent way and welcome external scrutiny from the LCSB and SAB. There are some key milestones for the Company to achieve, to demonstrate strong practices around this agenda and the action plan aims to bring the practical delivery of these milestones together.

Training Requirements

It is the requirement of the Company that all Senior Managers and Directors have a consistent and good understanding of safeguarding, demonstrated through completing the relevant basic safeguarding training packages available. BPM CORNWALL LTD have a large proportion of employees who do not have access to e-learning training, alternative methods are used to disseminate key messages e.g. toolbox talks.

All senior managers will recruit new employees in line with the ‘safer recruitment’ guidance and will ensure that all relevant checks are completed prior to commencing employment e.g. employment history and reference checks. All new employees will be expected to undertake the relevant level of training as part of the induction process.

Prevent Agenda

BPM CORNWALL LTD has aligned its safeguarding practices to the Prevent agenda. While there is no single profile of a person likely to be involved in terrorism or violent extremism, experience has shown that there can be early warning signs most likely to be identified by family, friends and professionals which are indicative of the need for support. BPM CORNWALL LTD recognise that there are close links between individuals who may be vulnerable as part of the safeguarding agenda and those as defined in the Prevent agenda. This approach fits in with Chapter 11 of “Working together to Safeguard Children” (2010.)


Raising the profile of safeguarding across the company is a key priority. This will be targeted through a number of different communication methods;

 COReMatters Newsletter

 Specific workshops at ‘Senior Management Team’ meetings e.g. Prevent

 Toolbox Talks

 Metacompliance

Equality, Diversity, Fairness and Opportunity

BPM CORNWALL LTD expects all Board Members, senior managers, employees, sub - contractors and volunteers to challenge inequality, discrimination and disadvantage for everyone who comes into contact with the Company. BPM CORNWALL LTD is committed to achieving the highest possible standard of service delivery recognising Cornwall’s diverse communities and workforce. Recognising that equality and diversity should play a part in everything the Company does this policy should be considered alongside BPM CORNWALL LTD’s Equality, Diversity, Fairness and Opportunity policy. The BPM CORNWALL LTD Safeguarding Policy has been constructed to reflect an inclusive approach, whereby all individuals are respected, valued and treated fairly.


This policy will be subject to review annually every April to ensure it is still effective and having the required impact, unless there is significant legislation changes which would warrant a more immediate review to be undertaken. The review will also consider local and national best practice approaches. Following the annual review adjustments to this policy may be necessary.

Safeguarding practices will be subject to external review through the contribution to the Local Safeguarding Children’s Board annual audit and the Safeguarding Adults Board annual audit. BPM CORNWALL LTD will contribute through the ‘Alternative Service Delivery (ASD) Safeguarding Group return. BPM CORNWALL LTD may also conduct internal reviews across the Company on an ad hoc basis to ensure that practice standards are being upheld, good practice is captured and shared, and any concerns or gaps can be addressed more immediately, rather than waiting for the annual review.

Further guidance to support this policy can be found on the BPM CORNWALL LTD Safeguarding  Intranet page.

Document information



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Telephone: 07986 478280



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68 Foster Drive, Bodmin, Cornwall, UK, PL311PS

Telephone: 07986 478280


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Supporting Information

Appendix 1 - BPM CORNWALL LTD Safeguarding Code of Conduct.

Appendix 2 – BPM CORNWALL LTD Safeguarding Action Plan July 2013 – April 2014

Appendix 3 – BPM CORNWALL LTD ‘If you see something, say something’ leaflet.

Appendix 4 – Comprehensive Impact Assessment

Useful Definitions

“Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children” means:

 protecting children from maltreatment;

 preventing impairment of their health or development;

 ensuring that they grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care;

 enabling them to have optimum life chances and to enter adulthood successfully.

A vulnerable adult is a person “who is or may be in need of community care services by reason of mental or other disability, age or illness, and who is or may be unable to take care of him or herself, or unable to protect him or herself against significant harm or exploitation”.

 How to spot abuse


The main forms of abuse are divided into the following categories:


• Physical abuse – including hitting, slapping, pushing, kicking, misuse of medication, restraint and inappropriate sanctions

• Sexual abuse – including rape, sexual assault and sexual acts to which a person has not consented, could not consent or was pressurised into consenting.

• Psychological abuse – including emotional abuse, threats of harm or abandonment, deprivation of contact, humiliation, blaming, controlling, intimidation, coercion, harassment, verbal abuse, isolation and withdrawal from services or supportive networks.

• Financial or material abuse – including theft, fraud, exploitation, pressure in connection with wills, property or inheritance or financial transactions, or the misuse or misappropriation of property, possessions or benefits.

• Neglect and acts of omission – including ignoring medical or physical care needs, failure to provide access to appropriate health, social care or educational services and the withholding of the necessities of life such as medication, adequate nutrition, and heating.

• Discriminatory abuse – including racist, sexist, that based on a person’s disability and other forms of harassment, slurs or similar treatment.

• Institutional abuse, neglect and poor professional practice.  This may take the form of isolated incidents of poor or unsatisfactory professional practice at one end of the spectrum, through to pervasive ill treatment or gross misconduct at the other.   


(No Secrets – DOH 2000)


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BPM Cornwall Ltd we have made great efforts to clearly display our safeguarding policy,  If you feel there are any discrepancies in the policy or BPM Cornwall Ltd are in breach of the statement we

The Secretary. BPM CORNWALL LTD Collective.  

BPM Cornwall Ltd Company Registration # 10748537

Safeguarding Policy - Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults.